Thursday, June 3, 2021

Exciting Reasons Why You Should Listen to Electro-Swing Music

Swing and jazz easily appeal to Gen X and millennials, but when it comes to Gen Z, they crave a modern twist to this classic genre. If you are a Gen Zer and think an extra ‘spark’ would make swing music more enthralling, you may give electro-swing music a try. Yes, you read that right! Electro-swing music is really a thing and captivated the hearts of music listeners of the new generation. And as you can already guess, the enchantingly mixed genre is born out of the fusion of electronic music with vintage swingmusic in the USA and also worldwide. 


Now if you think electro-swing is a new invention, you probably have been living under the rock. It has been around since the 1990s and entertaining people from all age groups. So, are you curious to know why we like this nostalgia-infused futuristic music? Well, in this blog we tell the reasons that make electro-swing a hit among music lovers. Are you ready to dive in with us? 


Best of both genres – With this mixed genre, you get to taste the best of both music styles. Little bits from hip hop, modern jazz, and vintage swing make this style so unique and appealing to all. Added to that, using modern music technologies allows us to mix and match the elements to bring in an entertaining creation in alignment with the current music trends. As far as the artists are concerned, they also enjoy greater creative freedom while producing electro-swing music. And you being in the audience can find a source of solace and entertainment in this creative expression of art.


swing music in USA

Syncs in well with other styles – We know it’s a different feel to enjoy classic swing, let’s say on jazz musicradio station in the USA, but in this age of DJing, mixing your music well is one of the sure-shot ways of impressing the crowd. And electro-swing being an accommodating genre can fit well with other genres like a glitch, rap, Latin house, and funk. If it’s well planned and well executed, electro-swing music can be made to work well with all types of music styles. Thus, today, artists can try out a range of combinations of techniques and sounds to create music that can’t be tied down by established conventions. 


Vast appeal and approachable – Do you consider dubstep or electro-trash a noise to your ears? Oh, you like them but your friends don’t? Try playing some electro-swing and jazz up your party! There’s hardly anyone who can despise the vintage-inspired modern electronic dance music. No matter what age or background, everyone likes the mixed vibes of this genre. Once the familiar rhythm of the swing makes you comfortable, the electronic beats will totally get you in the mood of rocking the party. 


Makes you dance non-stop – The combined energy of swing and electronic music can make anyone get up and rule the dance floor, showing their moves. As you all would know, swing music was created for encouraging the audience to dance in the first place. Now, mixing different genres in electro-swing takes this dance energy to another level. We mean it when we say you won’t be able to stop yourself from shaking a leg to this music. From shuffling and quickstep to swing, club dancing, and rock and roll – feel free to get your groove with any of the dance styles you like. 


Conclusion – We beg to differ with people who say swing is dead because it’s far from being forgotten. Not only is classic swing popular on the radio yesteryear programs, but its modernized form, electro-swing has now got youngsters hooked. In this connection, let us tell you that Swing Street Radio plays non-stop classic jazz tracks and entertains music lovers. So, if you desire some authentic swing apart from EDM, don’t forget to tune into the radio station. 

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